Trimeta CD
Increasing Production & Profitability in the Most Sustainable Way
Its unique non-foaming formula effectively reduces the number of steps needed in the CIP process, helping to significantly decrease cleaning time, as well as the amount of energy, water and chemistry needed to achieve strong antimicrobial results.
Trimeta CD Benefits:
Increasing Production & Profitability in the Most Sustainable Way
- Reduces CIP time
- Less waste and effluent water going down the drain, and a reduced need for chemical storage and handling.
- Enhances cleaning and disinfecting results
- Helps achieve sustainability goals
- Extends equipment life
Trimeta CD is compatible with stainless steel or Munkadur tanks and enables cleaning without first having to evacuate carbon dioxide (CO2), making the environment safe for workers.
Ecolab’s personalized service and technical specialists will provide more information and onsite training to help ensure the proper use of Trimeta CD in your brewery.

Trimeta CD
Optimize the BBT's and Bright Beer Lines Cleaning and Sanitization Process Time.
Ecolab innovation helped a Brewery Manufacturer to significantly decrease water, energy & time achieving exceptional productivity improvements.