3D TRASAR™ Technology help aluminum can manufacturer to achieve significant savings

An aluminum can factory sought to adapt the effluent from its treatment plant for reuse and reduce the volume of sludge and incrustations in its pipes, as well as to replace the lime in its physical-chemical process, since this was the one that generated the largest amount of sludge (433.9 tons/year on average).

To produce a good quality effluent in terms of hardness and fluoride, and to reduce the volume of sludge produced, the lime was replaced with a Nalco coagulant. In addition, Nalco Water installed 3D TRASAR™ technology to achieve the proper pH and minimize variations during the coagulation process.

With our expertise in can factories and product technology by Nalco Water, it was possible to apply in the plant and obtain excellent results, showing and maintaining value to the customer, paving the way for E&MO and other plants in Latin America.
After the implementation of the program we helped the client to reduce the sludge volume by 134 Tons, decrease the NaOH consumption by 39% and save more than USD 57,200 per year.